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What potential does your recycled product have?

Due to increasingenvironmental awareness and resource conservation, the recycling of materialsplays a critical role in mitigating waste, reducing carbon footprint, andpromoting a circular economy. As such, many companies need to know thecompositional, mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of recycledplastics before it can be repurposed.

ExcelPlas isequipped with the expertise to analyse recycled materials, providing servicessuch as:

Mechanical Testing:Evaluation of the structural integrity and performance attributes of recycledplastics to gauge their suitability for various applications.

ComponentIdentification: In-depth analysis aimed at discerning the constituentcomponents within recycled plastics, facilitating informed decision-makingregarding their reutilization.

QualityDetermination: Assessment into the quality of recycled polymers such as MeltFlow Rate for polyolefins or assessing the degree of degradation.

Purity Assessment: Analysisto ascertain the purity levels of recycled plastics, crucial for maintainingproduct integrity and performance consistency.

Hazardous ElementDetection: Identification of any potentially harmful elements or chemicalspresent within recycled plastics, safeguarding against environmental and healthrisks.

Failure Analysis:Investigative analysis of any instances of material failure or degradation,pinpointing underlying causes and informing remedial actions.


If you have recycled material that you wouldlike tested, our team is available to discuss your requirements and/or providea quotation for testing.

Our expert team can test your recycled materials.
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